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Enjoy Healthier Water at Home

Drinking Water Systems

Enjoy Healthier Water at Home

Transform Your Kitchen Tap into a Fountain of Delicious Drinking Water with a Premium Purifier from RainSoft A&B Marketing.

You’ll enjoy more than a delicious way to slake your thirst when you have a RainSoft water purification system expertly installed in your home. You’ll also notice dramatic improvements in the coffee, tea, and soups you prepare with water straight from your kitchen faucet. Your RainSoft dealer can help you decide which of our advanced drinking water systems is right for you.

Enjoy Healthier Water at Home

Ultrefiner II

Enjoy Healthier Water at Home

Hydrefiner II

The Ultrefiner II – A Multi-Stage Drinking Water Purifier from Industry Leader RainSoft

Delicious, purified water doesn’t necessarily have to come out of a plastic bottle. The Ultrefiner II from RainSoft is a multi-stage drinking water purifier that produces better than bottle-quality water for just pennies on the dollar. Three lines of defense – a carbon block sediment pre-filter, a membrane cartridge, and a carbon block sediment post-filter – erect a formidable barrier against all sorts of contaminants that may be present in your water. Having the Ultrefiner II installed in your home is a highly economical way for you to ensure that your family has round-the-clock access to drinking water of the highest quality.

RainSoft also proudly offers our Hydrefiner II drinking water system, featuring an advanced carbon block filter that helps provide a constant supply of delicious drinking water. To learn more about our drinking water systems, clink the links below:

RainSoft has specialized in making good water better for more than half a century. Every product that we manufacture is designed and assembled in the U.S.A., extensively tested by third parties, and protected by our industry-leading Limited Warranty.


Enjoy Healthier Water at Home


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Enjoy Healthier Water at Home

Schedule Your Free Water Analysis

Get a free in-home consultation with a RainSoft water conditioning expert.

What’s in your water? A RainSoft test is the first step toward resolving your water woes. We’ll send a water treatment expert to your home to test your tap water, explain the results, and recommend the best solutions to meet your specific needs.